Jag har faktiskt haft en normal helg. Det känns som den första som jag inte behövt göra något speciellt, inga tvång utan bara tagit dagen som den kommit utan att behöva vara ledsen hela tiden. Som en vanlig helg när tiden bara går utan att man tänker på det. Det är konstigt hur humöret kan ändras så snabbt från i fredags morse, men vänner omkring mig och längre bort har varit glada, och det gör mig glad. Men...såklart jag skulle vara ännu gladare om det bara var lördag idag. Helgen är ljuvlig.
Actually I had a normal weekend. It feels like the first one where I did not have to do anything special, no musts. I just took the day as it came without having to be sad all the time. Like a normal weekend where time just passes by without one thinking about it. It's strange how quickly the mood can change from Friday morning, but friends around me and further away have been happy, and that makes me happy too. But...of course I would be happier it it were only Saturday today. The weekend is lovely.
Actually I had a normal weekend. It feels like the first one where I did not have to do anything special, no musts. I just took the day as it came without having to be sad all the time. Like a normal weekend where time just passes by without one thinking about it. It's strange how quickly the mood can change from Friday morning, but friends around me and further away have been happy, and that makes me happy too. But...of course I would be happier it it were only Saturday today. The weekend is lovely.
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